Divorce is a difficult process at the best of times. But when it involves separating from a physically or emotionally abusive spouse, the process can be even tougher. If you’re in an abusive situation, divorce can help you start your life over and allow you to live safely in an environment that’s healthy and beneficial for you and your loved ones. As your trusted New Jersey divorce lawyers, the team at Carvajal Law is here to help. We want to ensure that you can live the life you deserve and get the clean start you’re looking for. Here are a few tips to follow as you start the divorce process.
1. Speak With an Experienced New Jersey Divorce Lawyer
Though you don’t always need an attorney to file for divorce, you may find that working with one simplifies the process, especially if you’re dealing with an abusive spouse. Your attorney can help you figure out your next steps and can point you in the direction of local resources designed to help individuals get out of bad situations.
They can also help you request court orders for temporary full custody of any children if they’re in danger around your spouse. Your attorney can also advise you on the types of evidence you’ll want to collect and the documentation you’ll want to provide to further strengthen your divorce case.
2. Find a Safe Place to Stay
When you’re pursuing a divorce from an abusive spouse, your first concern should always be your safety and the safety of your children if you have any. Unfortunately, staying in the same household as your spouse may not be in your best interest and if they’re not in agreement about the divorce, they could escalate the abuse quickly.
Instead, consider finding a safe place to stay. Your friends and family may be able to offer you a guest room for a while or you may want to rent your own place until the divorce is finalized. If money is tight and your personal network isn’t able to help, there are local resources who can help. Speak with your attorney for advice.
3. Document Everything You Can
It’s helpful to document as much of the abuse as you can. This can make your case stronger and if you decide to pursue legal action against your spouse for the abuse, can serve as evidence against them. If you’re physically hurt, write down the details you can remember about the incident and take pictures of the injuries. If you were hurt in the past, consider writing down as many details of those past incidents as you can. You can give these statements to your attorney.
Don’t Hesitate to Seek Help
The most important thing to remember is that you’re not alone in this. You can and should ask for help as soon as you think you’ll need it. If you’re considering filing for divorce and are worried about the way your partner might react, discuss your concerns with an experienced New Jersey divorce attorney. They’ll help you come up with an action plan so you can safely live your life on your terms.
At Carvajal Law, our team understands that every situation is different. We’ll help you navigate the nuances of your divorce with confidence, whether you and your spouse are in full agreement, or you’re worried about their reaction. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.