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Navigating Divorce After a Long-Term Marriage in New Jersey: What’s Different?

Getting divorced can be a difficult process no matter how long you’ve been married, but if you and your spouse have been together for decades, the process can be even harder. There’s more to consider and the divorce may have a more significant impact on your life than it would if you’d been married for… Read more

man gives money to woman for alimony for son

The Process of Modifying Alimony in New Jersey: What You Need to Know

If your spouse depended on you for financial support during your marriage, you can expect to pay alimony or spousal support as part of your divorce settlement. The amount you’ll pay will be based on your spouse’s needs and your financial situation at the time of your divorce. As you might expect, your situation can… Read more


What Qualifies Someone For Alimony in New Jersey?

When you were married, chances are that you and your spouse pooled your resources and money into a joint account. This allowed you both to support one another, even if you weren’t working regularly. But when you get divorced, you effectively lose out on that financial support.  For some spouses, losing that financial help can… Read more


What Can Disqualify a Person From Alimony in New Jersey?

It’s common for spouses to request alimony payments as part of divorce settlements, especially if they’re used to a specific lifestyle or have ongoing expenses that they may have difficulty covering without your joint income. If you’re divorcing on relatively amicable terms, paying alimony may not seem like such a burden. But there are situations… Read more


The Impact of Divorce on College Financial Aid for New Jersey Families

College tuition is on the rise, and the average cost of attending a private university in 2024 came to more than $43,500. For many families, paying that price out of pocket isn’t reasonable or feasible. That’s why many families choose to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). But if you and… Read more


Steps to Take if Your Spouse Files for Bankruptcy During Your New Jersey Divorce

Filing for divorce can be stressful enough but when your spouse decides to file for bankruptcy as you’re trying to get the fresh start you deserve, it can be even more hectic. Bankruptcy can impact your divorce and the distribution of your assets, and create hassles that may not otherwise be present in your divorce…. Read more


The Role of Mediation in High-Asset Divorces in New Jersey: Is It Worth It?

Getting divorced can be challenging for any couple. However, when you have a high net worth and countless assets that you want to protect, the process can be even more challenging. Though you can choose to work with a New Jersey divorce attorney and file for a traditional divorce, letting the court manage your settlement,… Read more

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Divorce and Mental Health: Coping Strategies During Separation in New Jersey

For many couples, getting divorced is the right decision for their emotional well-being. However, even when divorce is the best option for your situation and you’re working with an experienced New Jersey divorce lawyer, the process can have a negative impact on your mental health. After all, you’re severing ties with someone you believed you’d… Read more

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How to Navigate the Legal Process of Divorce When You Own a Business in New Jersey

Getting a divorce is challenging for just about every couple. But when you own a business, the process can be even more confusing and time-consuming. Your New Jersey divorce attorney can help guide you through the process so you can get the best settlement possible, but it’s still helpful if you make a few preparations… Read more

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