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New Jersey High Asset Divorce

High-Asset Divorce in New Jersey: Complex Financial and Property Issues

Getting a divorce is complicated no matter what your financial situation is. But when you and your spouse are a high-asset household, the process can become even harder. High-asset divorces typically involve couples with assets valued at $1 million or greater. And all of those assets will need to be divided appropriately, which can lead… Read more

difficult divorce

Is It Difficult to Get a Divorce in New Jersey?

Filing for divorce can be a stressful and emotional process. Whether you and your spouse have been together for a short time or have been married for years. There’s a lot you’ll need to do and the divorce can quickly feel overwhelming if you’re not prepared. While getting a divorce in New Jersey isn’t necessarily… Read more

new jersey divorce faq

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce in New Jersey

When you got married, you likely never thought you’d want to explore getting divorced. But circumstances change and if you and your spouse are no longer happy or satisfied in your relationship, getting a divorce can be a good option for both of you. But before you contact a New Jersey divorce attorney, it’s a… Read more

older divorce

Gray Divorces: What Older Couples Need to Know

When you and your spouse have been together for decades, it’s normal to feel like you’re stuck together. But divorcing when you’re nearing retirement or even after you’ve retired is possible. These divorces have been dubbed ‘gray divorces’ and as you might expect, they present some unique challenges for older couples. Here’s what your New… Read more

uncontested divorce
Uncontested Divorce

How to Prepare for Your Uncontested Divorce in New Jersey

Uncontested divorces let you and your spouse divorce faster and with none of the hassle common to traditional divorces. While they’ll save you time and potentially money, uncontested divorces are still a lengthy process that you and your spouse will need to navigate. The best thing you can do prior to meeting with your New… Read more

50_50 child custody

Is New Jersey a 50/50 Custody State?

Divorces can be stressful under the best circumstances, but when you’re trying to establish custody agreements with your ex-spouse, it can be an even tougher process. Some states try to simplify child custody issues by following a 50/50 custody arrangement as standard procedure. New Jersey law and courts prioritize the welfare of the child when… Read more

mother’s rights_s
Family Law

What Are My Rights as a Mother in New Jersey?

When you’re trying to navigate the divorce process with children, it’s normal to wonder how the court will view your suitability for custody. There’s a common perception that the court favors giving primary custody to mothers over fathers. While this may have been the case years ago, New Jersey courts have long since become more… Read more

Family Law

Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights in New Jersey?

When it comes to court-mandated visitation after a divorce, most people assume that visitation pertains to the child’s non-custodial parent. While this is certainly the most common type of visitation discussed post-divorce, the change in custody can also impact the child’s grandparents. While every state is different, New Jersey has some unique rules surrounding grandparents’… Read more

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How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce in New Jersey?

Making the decision to get a divorce is a big step, but for many couples who have simply outgrown their marriages or find that the relationship no longer benefits them, doing so can be a great option. And once you and your spouse make that decision, you likely want to get things over with as… Read more

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