If you’re like most people, you and your spouse combined finances after you got married. This means you likely became accustomed to living on both of your incomes or relied solely on your partner to make ends meet. But once you divorce and the dissolution of assets starts, it’s normal to feel a bit panicked by the sudden change in your finances.
Spousal support can help support the lifestyle you’re accustomed to and makes it easier for you to make ends meet while you adjust to your new normal. However, spousal support may not last forever. Here’s what your New Jersey divorce attorney wants you to know about how long you can expect to receive payments from your former spouse.
It Depends on the Duration of Your Marriage
For most couples in New Jersey, the duration of spousal support payments depends on the duration of your marriage. The longer you are married, the longer you’ll be eligible to receive payments from your former spouse. Let’s say you and your spouse have been married for 18 years. In New Jersey, most spouses will be eligible to receive payments for half the duration of their marriage. In this example, you’d be eligible to receive payments for up to nine years. If you’ve been married for fewer than 10 years, you’ll likely receive payments for less than half the duration of your marriage.
Keep in mind that your New Jersey divorce attorney will be able to argue on your behalf and help show the court that you deserve payments for a longer period of time.
You May Qualify for Permanent Spousal Support
Alimony or spousal support payments are slightly different for New Jersey couples who have been married for more than 20 years. Most courts recognize that separating spouses who have been married for 20 years or more have different needs and one spouse may be more reliant on the other to make ends meet. In these instances, the court may award permanent spousal support. This means you may receive payments from your former spouse for life or until your circumstances change for the better.
Every Case Is Unique
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to alimony or spousal support payments. If you were dependent on your spouse’s income to meet your needs or aren’t able to work for other reasons, you may qualify to receive payments for a longer period of time. The best thing you can do is work with an experienced New Jersey divorce attorney and let them represent your case. They’ll be better able to show the court why you need payments longer or why you deserve larger payments than your former spouse believes necessary.
Don’t Navigate Spousal Support and Alimony Alone
If you think that your former spouse will try to give you the smallest payment possible, don’t give up hope. You deserve the compensation you need to maintain a comfortable lifestyle while you adjust to a new living situation. Schedule a consultation with Carvajal Law today and let our experienced New Jersey divorce attorneys represent your case.