file for divorce

Filing for divorce has a reputation for being expensive, no matter where you live. While you’ll have to pay to initiate your divorce, the exact amount you’ll pay depends on a few different factors. Your New Jersey divorce attorney can help you pinpoint exactly how much you’ll need to pay to file for divorce, but there are a few things you’ll want to know before you file so you can make sure you’re choosing an attorney you can afford and are working within your budget.

There Are Mandatory Filing Fees

In New Jersey, you’ll have to pay a filing fee to initiate your divorce proceedings. For couples divorcing without children, the filing fee is $300. If you’re divorcing with kids, you’ll need to pay $325. These payments go to the court and are used to kickstart the process. If you don’t pay the filing fee, the court won’t move your case forward. 

New Jersey Divorce Attorneys Charge Different Rates

Though you may not legally need an attorney to guide you through the divorce process, it’s still a good idea to hire one to represent your interests. However, each attorney can charge a different rate for their services. Before you hire an attorney, consider how much money you’re comfortable spending. Keep in mind that hourly rates for experienced divorce attorneys can range from $300 to $400. 

What to Look for in an Attorney

Though it’s often tempting to choose an attorney based on their rates alone, it’s far better to consider how their experience will benefit your case. That’s why it’s a good idea to schedule consultations with several New Jersey divorce attorneys before you choose one to work with. During your consultation, look for the following characteristics:

  • Experience helping people like you: Different attorneys specialize in different disciplines or case types. Before you agree to work with one, make sure they’ve represented cases like yours. Don’t hesitate to ask about each attorney’s success rate or typical settlement.
  • Empathetic attitudes: You should feel comfortable discussing your personal situation with the attorney you hire, and you should feel heard from the very beginning. Consider how each attorney you’re speaking with treats you, their level of interest in your case, and your comfort level disclosing personal information. If you’re not comfortable with an attorney, keep looking.
  • Affordable rates: Though price shouldn’t be the only deciding factor, you should find out the types of rates each attorney you’re considering will charge. If you’re comfortable with everyone you’ve spoken with and feel that all potential attorneys have similar experience, you could choose to work with one that most closely fits your budget.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but as long as you keep these factors in mind, you’ll be able to find an attorney you can trust.

Complex Divorces Can Cost More

The complexity of your divorce will determine how much time your attorney needs to spend working on your case. If you and your spouse are in agreement on most terms or you’re filing for an uncontested divorce, you’ll typically pay less in attorney fees because they’ll spend less time on your case. But if you have a complex divorce that requires more help from your attorney, you’ll typically pay a higher price. Keep in mind that you and your spouse may be able to work with a mediator to reach resolutions rather than letting the court determine each term of your divorce. This could save you money in the long run.

Work With the Team at Carvajal Law

If you’re ready to file for divorce and want to work with an experienced New Jersey divorce attorney who puts your interests first, let Carvajal Law help. Our team has represented clients from all walks of life and will do everything we can to help you get a fair settlement. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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